Saturday, April 29, 2017

Wiki So Far

My Wiki contribution will be a new category "Social Commerce" which will be featured on the Main Page. Social Commerce is an ecommerce term which is basically the new sector of ecommerce backed heavily by social media. I will be adding subsections to the page about marketing techniques, platforms, and tools used in Social Commerce.


File sharing is the act of downloading, uploading, or exchanging files over the internet. P2P (peer-to-peer) file sharing is a little more complicated. Most P2P file sharing requires the use of a client such at BitTorrent in order to download files from other peers on the internet. It works in a way that multiple people with the same file keep an open connection to those files for others to access and download the parts of that file. An example of P2P file sharing can be sharing and downloading new-old movies. In the article "The BitTorrent Effect" Clive Thompson explains how BitTorrent can help people find movies a lot faster than searching for them in a store like Blockbuster. "As for movies, if you can find it at Blockbuster, you can probably find it online somewhere – and use BitTorrent to suck it down."  


Privacy has become quite the hot topic from the many breaches of major corporations and organizations like Target and Sony. What most of these cases all have in common is the lack of proper security measures and outdated systems used to store and transport sensitive information like credit card data or even personal information from human resources. Poor practices and loose procedures cause most of the breaches we hear about today. Sony employees involved in the breach were storing passwords to sensitive file systems on a Word document (literally no protection) when the passwords should be on a role based access password manager system stored on a machine within the company on a private IP.


If I were hired to implement new media in Baruch College, I would suggest a new and faster system for students to use for enrollment. The enrollment process can be confusing for some, as you must have a DegreeWorks profile open to make sure you are adding the right classes. Thats two tabs usually on a browser with a lot of copy and pasting course numbers into the class search engine. What I would like to do is create a touchscreen station where a student can select classes from a list of suggested courses that are degree specific to the student. Drag and drop, more transparency of course descriptions and seat availability would be the main features.

Monday, April 17, 2017

How Social Media Impacts ECommerce Sales by James Pacheco

Creativity & New Media

I found an old video I took on my smartphone of one of my favorite bands, Greensky Bluegrass and uploaded it to my YouTube channel. 

Some neat things you can do in YouTube's video editing interface : Visual/Audio enhancements, end screens, annotations, hyperlink cards, and subtitles.

I decided to add my own subtitles of the lyrics to the Beatles cover A Day In The Life. 

Each subtitle line or verse is time stamped into the bottom of the interface, where you can shrink, stretch, and move the subtitle to sync with the timing of the video.

To turn on the subtitles, click the cc icon near the gear icon in the interface. Watch and enjoy.


Web 2.0 has broadened the playing field for users who aim to express their viewpoints and ideas. With social networking, users have the ability to publish their ideas and creative content. The potential of the content reaching more users and viewers has substantially increased since the social media boom. In journalism, this has made a positive impact for both sides (the writer and the reader). Jane B Singer's article on user-generated visibility explores the trend of user interactivity and gatekeeping, which promotes the sharing of clear and accurate articles published on the web versus articles that are the opposite. Gatekeeping is a collaborative form of content filtering decided by users who make judgements based on wether the content is culturally acceptable and fair. Reddit is a great example of a community of gatekeepers, in which users "up-vote" or "down-vote" articles that are published based off of their own verifications in determining the merit of the published content. The voting system itself is a creative form of content filtering. Users can use the votes to aid their decision in taking time to read an article or just completely ignoring it to save time.